September 20th, 2024


1. Judicial Branch reform published, implementation begins

After the majority of the congresses of the States approved the constitutional reform to the Judicial Power, President López Obrador ordered its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation; however, its entry into force has generated numerous doubts. For example, since the traditional electoral cartography cannot be used, due to the design of the reform, a special geographic framework will have to be created to begin the process to elect judges and magistrates, which begins on September 23. Counselors of the National Electoral Institute mentioned that they will have to make adjustments to their annual budget, given that they will not be able to receive additional budget until 2025.

Although it is expected that this will be resolved in the secondary legislation, the reform states that by the middle of next year the first judicial elections must have already taken place, so it is likely that such elections will take place without the publication of the corresponding legislation, according to statements made by the President of the Senate. 

Expansión: Banqueros esperan que leyes secundarias de reforma judicial den certidumbre

Excélsior: INE partirá de cero en elección de jueces; El lunes arranca año electoral

2. Deputies approve reform to National Guard 

The Chamber of Deputies approved the constitutional reform that allows the National Guard to be under the command of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), as President López Obrador had proposed in 2022 during the discussion of the secondary law and whose project was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

The reform proposes that the National Guard will be composed of military personnel with police training and will have as its main mission to execute the National Public Security Strategy under the direction of the Sedena, who will also propose to the President the candidate to occupy the position of head of the guard, who will hold the rank of active Major General. The reform passed to the Senate to continue its legislative process and has awakened criticism due to the advance towards militarization of the country by allowing the Sedena to participate in public security tasks.

Animal Político: Diputados aprueban reforma que transfiere la Guardia Nacional al Ejército; pasa al Senado

3. Due to insecurity, patriotic celebrations are suspended in Sinaloa

The governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha, announced the cancellation of the national independence anniversary celebrations, due to lack of security conditions. This is due to confrontations that have occurred in the state between different drug trafficking factions. This announcement was joined by 12 of the 20 municipalities of the state, which also cancelled their celebrations for the same reasons.

The General Secretary of National Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, announced that 32 deaths have been registered as a result of the confrontations, of which 30 are civilians and 2 are members of the Armed Forces. In this regard, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum supported President López Obrador’s actions of non-confrontation, as she pointed out that fighting the cartels with more bullets would only generate more violence.

El Financiero: Violencia en México ‘apaga’ el Grito de Independencia: ¿En qué estados se canceló la ceremonia?

El Universal: Si se entra con “poder de fuego” a Sinaloa se generaría una “guerra”, asegura Sheinbaum

4. Changes and appointments continue in the President-elect’s team

President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum announced that Antonio Martínez Dagnino will continue as head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) and that Gabriel Yorio will also continue as Undersecretary of Finance. The only change in the agency will be the departure of Juan Pablo de Botton, current Undersecretary of Expenditures, as Ramírez de la O had previously been announced to remain as Secretary of Finance, which seeks to provide certainty and stability in the area of public finances.

The President-elect also announced the creation of a new agency called Alimentación para el Bienestar (Food for Wellbeing), the result of the fusion between Diconsa and Seguridad Alimentaria Mexicana (Segalmex), the latter being known for its mismanagement and acts of corruption. The new agency will be in charge of the current Secretary of the Environment, María Luisa Albores, and will be responsible for the supply of basic products. Sheinbaum also announced that Leonel Cota will be undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Columba López will soon be in charge of the coordination of territorial programs.

El Economista: Sheinbaum ratifica al equipo de Hacienda y al jefe del SAT

Excélsior: Fusionarán Segalmex y Diconsa; María Luisa Albores estará al frente

5. Mexican economy shows signs of slowdown 

The Mexican economy maintains its slow growth pace as the final stretch of the year approaches, a situation that has caused downward revisions to GDP expectations and allows us to see the inertia with which it will start 2025, as a result of the slowdown in consumption and investment, added to domestic political uncertainty and the elections in the United States.

According to INEGI projections, the economy grew 1.1 percent annually in July and August, according to seasonally adjusted figures of the Economic Activity Indicator (IOAE, for its acronym in Spanish). International organizations such as the World Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the International Monetary Fund, among others, place Mexico’s economic growth projection in a range of 1.5 to 2.3%.

El Financiero: Economía mexicana avanza ‘a paso de tortuga’: PIB creció 1.1% en julio y agosto

El Economista: Perspectivas del PIB de México para 2024 se ubican entre 1.5 y 2.3%