November 15th, 2024


1. The Chamber of Cassation upheld Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s conviction and the Government will take away her privileged retirement pension

The Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation confirmed the sentence of former President Cristina Kirchner to six years of imprisonment and perpetual disqualification from holding public office for the crime of fraudulent administration in the case of the public works granted to businessman Lázaro Báez in the province of Santa Cruz. Likewise, after the ratification of the sentence, the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, announced in his usual press conference that the Government will cancel the monthly allowance for life, as well as the pension currently received by former President Cristina Kirchner.

Infobae: Confirmaron la condena a Cristina Kirchner a seis años de prisión y la inhabilitación perpetua para ejercer cargos públicos

2. Javier Milei traveled to the U.S. to meet Donald Trump

The Argentine president arrived last Thursday morning to participate with the president-elect of the United States in the Conservative Action Policy Conference, a series of meetings and conferences that will last three days. Javier Milei attended this trip together with Secretary General of the Presidency Karina Milei. During this conference, like Trump, the Argentine president will give a speech, and will meet with Elon Musk, who maintained an active political role during the US conservative’s campaign. Javier Milei clarified before having the meeting with the future president that said meeting would be informal and would have no defined agenda.

Infobae: “El que las hace, las paga”: Milei llegó a los EEUU para encontrarse con Trump y defendió la decisión de quitarle la jubilación de privilegio a Cristina Kirchner 

3. The opposition did not meet the necessary quorum and extended the session to next week

Faced with failure due to the lack of quorum, the opposition decided to adjourn the session in which it sought to modify the DNU law and to reject the decree issued by Javier Milei to renegotiate the debt without going through Congress; two issues that had a strong impact on the President’s power. Minutes before the session began, legislators linked to the President, such as those from Córdoba, began to leave the Chamber, and even in Unión por la Patria they reported more departures than expected. They decided to reschedule the session for next week. Likewise, minutes after the session in the Chamber of Deputies was postponed, the PRO, with the support of legislators from La Libertad Avanza and the UCR called for a special session to deal with the Ficha Limpia bill, which prevents politicians with firm convictions for corruption cases from being candidates for national office. Finally, the debate on the 2025 budget has entered a definitive stage and the ruling party could seek to issue an opinion next week so that the bill may be dealt with in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies in the next few days.

Clarín: Diputados: el Gobierno jugó fuerte y forzó el fracaso de la sesión dispuesta por la oposición para modificar la ley de DNU

4. October inflation was 2.7%

This Tuesday, INDEC released the October inflation rate, showing an increase of 2.7%, the lowest since November 2021. Said number implies a year-on-year record of 193% and a cumulative inflation for the first 10 months of the year of 107%. The commercial items with the highest increase this month were housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (5.4%), explained by increases in housing rent and related expenses, according to the report. The second place in the ranking of increases was also for clothing and footwear, which increased 4.4%

Clarín: La inflación acentúa la caída: fue 2,7% en octubre, la más baja desde noviembre de 2021

5. The government dissolved the Procrear program

On Thursday, the government dissolved the trust fund that supported the Procrear program, an economic assistance program created in 2012 (under the administration of Cristina Kirchner), which offered credit lines subsidized by the national State for access to housing. The text of the decree repealing the program argues that “financing for housing construction is a proper and fundamental function of commercial banks, both private and public, and, therefore, state intervention in this area is not justified.” Instead, the Executive Branch established a program of “divisible mortgages on real estate properties destined to real estate projects, allowing their future division and adhesion to the horizontal property regime, real estate complexes or the subdivision of common domain plots.” This measure is aimed at real estate projects under development, with the purpose of facilitating access to housing, encouraging private investment and contributing to economic reactivation, according to the information provided.

Ámbito Financiero: Oficial: el Gobierno disolvió el programa Procrear y habilitó las hipotecas divisibles