
April 26, 2019


1. Santa Lucía Airport slated to begin operations June 2021

Engineer Gustavo Vallejo, overseeing the construction of the new airport in Santa Lucía, stated that the airport is slated for open in June 2021.

The construction of the runways and the terminal in what is now Mexico’s primary military base will begin oncethe environmental impact studies conclude.

The development of the airfield willcome under the responsibility ofMexico’s Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), which has a budget ofMXN $15 billion (USD $792.4 million)to commence works this year.

El Financiero: Aeropuerto en Santa Lucía estará listo para junio de 2021, señala Gobierno de AMLO

2. Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs responds to President Trump after military incident at the border

Two weeks ago, Mexican and U.S.soldiers pulled guns on each other due to a misunderstanding, but recently President Trump has claimed that this incident was a diversionary tactic to distract the U.S. National Guard and smuggle drugs into the country.

Mexican Secretary of Foreign AffairsMarcelo Ebrad replied to President Trump’s comments, making it clear that it was only a minor incident to which none of the countries had paid attention. Likewise, Ebrard mentionedthat it takes patience and care to build relationships with the U.S. President.

La Jornada: “Paciencia y prudencia” en relación con Trump: Ebrard

3. Inflation rate in Mexico shot up to 4.38% (Y/Y) in mid-April

Mexico’s Central Bank had estimated an increase of 3% for the country’sinflation rate. Nonetheless, it rose 4.38% in the first half of April (Y/Y), after two consecutive months of hittingthe inflation target. 

The rise in consumer prices was fostered by the increase in the cost of tourism during Holy Week, including a 27% jump in airfares. In contrast, energy prices such as electricity decreased 12.26% due to the subsidy program implemented during the hot season in several cities such as Mérida, Monterrey, Acapulco, Veracruz, Cancún and Campeche.

El Economista: Inflación se dispara a 4.38%; sale del objetivo de Banxico después de dos meses

4. Mexican Senate postpones discussion of labor bill

The discussion of the labor bill on the Senate floor was postponed until Monday, April 29th despite the fact that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador urged its quick approval so that the United States government has no pretexts for the reopening of USMCA trade negotiations.

The bill would reform the Federal Labor Law, the Organic Law of the Judicial Power of the Federation, the Federal Law of the Public Defender, the Law of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers and the Law of Social Security, in matters of freedom of association, labor justice and collective bargaining.

Proceso:  Senado pospone discusión de la reforma laboral; se realizará el lunes 29 de abril

5. Mexican House of Representatives passes education reform bill

Mexico’s House of Representatives passed an education reform packagewhich will close the National Institute of Educational Evaluation (INEE), and establish the National Center for the Re-evaluation of the Magistery and the Continuous Improvement of Education, which will carry out modernization and continuous training programs, as wellstrengthen normal schools and other higher education institutions that provide teacher training. 

The PAN party’s opposition bench didn’t endorse the education bill as the proposed amendments would allow the sale of teaching positions and control of education in Mexico by teachersunions.

Forbes: Diputados ‘madrugan’ con aprobación de la reforma educativa de AMLO