April 30, 2021
1. INAI to file petition against cellphone user registry
Following the approval of the National Register of Mobile Telephone Users, the National Institute of Access to Information (INAI) decided to file a petition for invalidation on grounds of unconstitutionality before the Supreme Court. The institute pointed out that the register goes against international treaties signed by Mexico, such as the American Convention on Human Rights.
For her part, the president commissioner of INAI, Blanca Ibarra Cadena, pointed out that various provisions of the registry affect human rights, such as access to information and protection of personal data. In addition, access to different types of information and the right to use information technologies are limited through the provisions of the registry.
La Jornada: INAI, primero en impugnar en la Corte padrón de los celulares
2. Investments in Quintana Roo to boost tourism sector
At the Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council, Board of Directors President Christopher J. Nassetta assured that a part of its members committed to investing in the Mexican hotel sector. This decision comes in a recovery process after a year of shocks and alterations to the tourism sector.
In this sense, it is expected that they will invest USD $2.5 billion over the next three to four years, which will support the creation of approximately 180,000 jobs. The state of Quintana Roo will receive 65% of all planned investment, while the states of Baja California Sur, Jalisco, and Yucatán will receive the rest.
El Economista: México amarra inversiones por 2,500 millones de dólares en sector turismo.
3. Mexican Central Bank did not return carryover to the federal government
The Mexican Central Bank explained that it did not have a surplus from operations to deliver to the government, because of the fall in the Mexican peso’s (MXN) value to the U.S. dollar (USD). Stockholder equity increased MXN $165.9 billion (USD $8.22 billion), due to profits of MXN $164.8 billion (USD $8.17 billion) stemming from the valuation of foreign currency and metal positions in national currency.
The elements that allowed for this scenario included the purchase of USD to the tune of $5.18 billion by PEMEX, as well as a net payment of USD $169 million to the International Monetary Fund for the annual commission of the flexible credit line. In addition, the central bank revealed that the international reserves increased by USD $14.79 billion.
El Financiero: Banxico se queda sin remanente para entregar al Gobierno
4. Electoral Tribunal withdraws candidacies of Morena candidates in Michoacán and Guerrero
The Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Branch formally withdrew the candidacies of Félix Salgado Macedonio and Raúl Morón proposed by the ruling National Regeneration Movement party (Morena) for the states of Guerrero and Michoacán, respectively. The result is due to the illegal omission of funds during an audit of the determined period.
In addition, the court determined that the padlocks proposed by the National Electoral Institute (INE) were appropriate to avoid overrepresentation in the make-up of the next legislature. The measure has the objective of avoiding the integration of artificial majorities and adapting electoral criteria to the constitutional principles.
Milenio: Cimbra Tribunal a Morena: ni Félix ni Morón ni una mayoría artificial
5. Pemex will increase investments in coming years
Within the framework of the National Petroleum Convention, the Mexican government and oil companies projected investments of USD $49 billion, according to the plans and investments approved for the next 15 years. Since 2015, oil contracts have carried out transfers to the state and Pemex for USD $5.1 billion, of which, USD $2.5 billion have been transfers from companies for Pemex.
However, Mexico’s environmental commitments will be more difficult to achieve, because fuel oil production has had higher volumes and there are few buyers of this good. Although there is an export market, for destinations such as Asia and Central America, there was a reduction in fuel oil consumption.
El Economista: En firme, 49,000 millones de dólares en inversión petrolera: CNH.
El Universal: Sin freno, producción de combustóleo en México