September 4, 2020
1. President of Mexico presents second government report
On Tuesday September 1st Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presented his second government report. The president stressed that despite the country’s economic and health crisis, the scenario was encouraging due to financial support for older adults, students, and children, coupled with remittances sent by Mexicans from the United States and good relationships with businessman.
The President of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Carlos Salazar Lomelín, announced that he will request an appointment with the President of Mexico to present an infrastructure plan with the goal of economic revival. The amount of investment as well as the number of projects will be disclosed later.
Forbes: El segundo informe de gobierno de AMLO fue una mañanera más
Forbes: CCE aplaude discurso de AMLO y alista plan de infraestructura para reactivar la economía
2. Victor Manuel Toledo Manzur resigns to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced that Victor Manuel Toledo Manzur ceases to hold the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) due to health reasons. Instead, María Luisa Albores González will hold the position, she served as Secretary of Welfare. The Ministry of Welfare will be directed by Javier May Rodríguez.
This change is in addition to other resignations of secretaries of the presidential cabinet. In May 2019, Josefa González Blanco resigned from Semarnat, while in July 2019 Carlos Urzúa resigned from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, and in July 2020 Javier Jiménez Espriú resigned as Secretary of Communications and Transport.
La Jornada: Mi salida, exenta de toda implicación política: Toledo
3. Leadership for congressional committees for the third year of the 64th legislature established
The First Ordinary Session of the third year of the 64th Legislature began and, in the Senate,, the Senator from Chiapas, Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar from Morena, was elected as chairman of the board of directors. As vice presidents, Imelda Castro, Guadalupe Murguía and Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín were elected. Senators Margarita Valdez, Veronica Delgadillo, Nancy de la Sierra and María Merced González will act as secretaries.
On the other hand, in the Chamber of Deputies, Dulce María Sauri from PRI was elected as president, after a complicated election because both the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Labour Party (PT) sought to position themselves as the third parliamentary force. In the vice presidency will be Dolores Padierna Luna, Xavier Azuara Zúñiga and Sara Rocha Medina.
El Universal: Eligen a Eduardo Ramírez como presidente de la Mesa Directiva del Senado
Milenio: Diputados eligen a Dulce María Sauri como nueva presidenta de Mesa Directiva
4. 2021 Economic Budget to be presented
Arturo Herrera, Secretary of Finance and Public Credit, noted that despite the low tax revenues that the federal government has received, this is no time for fiscal restructuring due to the economic crisis facing the country, which has mainly affected household and business incomes.
On September 8th, the 2021 Economic Package will be presented, which does not include increases in the Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS as in Spanish) on high-calorie food, flavored beverages, and alcoholic beverages, among others. However, it does include inflation-based adjustments as set forth in the federal tax code.
El Economista: Paquete Económico 2021 no prevé reforma fiscal: SHCP
5. National Electoral Institute begins monitoring elections
After the National Electoral Institute (INE) determined to ban from a spot where President López Obrador, mentions Pope Francis from the air; the president noted that the INE sought to avoid free expression and fulfill the right to information. It should be noted that the INE also sought to ban the broadcast of presidential morning conferences in states that will hold elections this year: Coahuila and Hidalgo.
However, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF) determined that morning conferences are an exercise of transparency and not political propaganda, so they will be broadcast in states with elections. For its part, the INE must define this week which organizations will achieve registration as national political parties.
Excélsior: López Obrador arremete contra el INE; busca censurarlo al bajar spot, señala
El Sol de México: Siete partidos buscan el registro ante el INE