Agency Perspectives

What Communications Can Bring to the Fight Against Coronavirus

JeffreyGroup’s crisis communications experts offer advice to companies for organizing an effective response to manage…

The Right Shoes for Sustainability

“The seven dirty shoes,” an essay by internationally-acclaimed author Mia Couto’s, is gaining popularity because…

“Brand journalism”: Applying the principles of journalism to brand promotion

Whether through the creation of unique or clever brand identity elements (slogans, logos, etc.), or…

Say Good-Bye to the Head of Digital

It is no secret that the corporate communications function has been redefined over the past…

Fake News and Post-Truth: How Companies and Brands Can Cope

Although the term “Fake News” quickly became popular during and following the 2016 U.S. presidential…

Multinationals Confront Anti-Globalization Challenges

Globalization critics argue that a country’s economic woes and job losses are the result of…

Why Data Analytics Will Transform Your Client Relationships

When people discuss the future, they talk about data. Data drives strategy in advertising, social…

The Surprising Power of Yellow Paper

To reach students in an offline world, they put up posters on the walls of…

Know Your Markets

In the world of public relations, market and sector expertise are a must if you…

B2B Public Relations: Knowing Your Client’s Business

Often when people think about working in public relations, they imagine themselves staffing exclusive events…

The Power of Language

Imagine being lost in a land where the people speak a language that is completely…

Three Tips For PR Professionals Working in the Food and Entertainment Industry

At JeffreyGroup, I specialize in communications and editorial development for clients in the culinary and…
