May 17th, 2024


1. Judiciary puts the brakes on the elimination of trusts 

The Second Chamber of the SCJN has refused to revoke a suspension that kept frozen the elimination of 13 PJF trusts, despite the fact that the initial protection granted by a Morelos court was considered excessive. 

Minister Lenia Batres highlighted that the judge’s decision caused harm to the social interest, by prioritizing the protection of the trusts over the attention to the damages caused by Hurricane ‘Otis’ in Guerrero, as established by legislators in November 2023.

La Jornada: Exhiben excesos de juzgado que otorgó suspensión para que sigan fideicomisos

2. Businessmen request approval of 3,500 electrical permits to avoid blackouts

Alejandro Malagón Barragán, president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), asked the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador to green-light 3,500 production and generation permits for the electricity industry to be part of the solution to the crisis and blackouts experienced in the National Electricity System.

Permits for wind, solar and hydroelectric power generation are currently on hold, but the benefit will be demonstrated in a dialogue with representatives of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, he said.

Forbes: Empresarios urgen al Gobierno aprobación de 3,500 permisos eléctricos privados que están detenidos para evitar apagones

3. AMLO’s government will have the lowest economic growth in the last 5 administrations

The Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado (CEESP) stated that the average growth rate during the six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be only 1.1 percent, the lowest in at least the last five administrations, so the president’s discourse is not enough to guarantee the economy’s soundness.

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) estimates that during the first quarter of this year, the GDP will have grown at an annual rate of 2.0 percent, which represents its lowest advance since the 2.1 percent drop in the same period of 2021.

Forbes: El gobierno de AMLO tendrá el crecimiento económico más bajo en los últimos 5 sexenios: CEESP

4. Governors’ debates take place

This week, in the context of Mexico’s 2024 state elections, crucial debates were held in several states, where gubernatorial candidates presented their platforms and political visions. The third debate in Mexico City stood out, along with second debates in Veracruz and Tabasco, where priority issues for regional development were addressed. 

In addition, the first debates were held in Puebla and Yucatán, marking the beginning of a public dialogue on the specific challenges and solutions for each state. These events not only encourage civic participation, but also enrich the democratic process by highlighting the proposals and commitments of those aspiring to lead their respective jurisdictions.

Aristegui Noticias: Debate Veracruz: Nahle y Yunes se acusan de corrupción, adulterio e ineficacia

El Universal: Tercer debate por la CDMX: Lluvia de promesas y acusaciones

5. President announces 10% increase in teachers’ salaries 

On Teachers’ Day, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a 10% salary increase for the country’s teachers, with which they will be paid 17,635 pesos per month ($1,047.2), marking a total increase of 47.5% during his six-year term (2018-2024).

These increases imply an expenditure of 175,000 million pesos (almost $10.392 billion) in addition to what was budgeted, the president detailed. At the same time, the National Coordination of Education Workers (CNTE), the largest dissident teachers’ union in the country, will begin a national strike to put pressure on López Obrador before the June 2 presidential elections.

La Jornada: AMLO anuncia aumento salarial de 10% a los maestros.