May 31th, 2024


1. 2024 presidential polls close before the elections 

Mexico will have a woman in the presidency in 2024. As reflected in the poll by one of Mexico’s leading publishing groups, the candidate of the ruling government coalition, Claudia Sheinbaum, is 19 points ahead of the opposition candidate, Xóchitl Gálvez.

As of May 29, the model placed Sheinbaum in the lead with approximately 53% of voting intentions; followed by Gálvez, who has 34% of the intentions, and Jorge Álvarez Máynez, of Movimiento Ciudadano, with 8% of the vote.

Expansión Política: Así cierran las encuestas presidenciales 2024 antes de las elecciones

2. Candidates close their Presidential Campaigns

The candidate of the ‘Let’s Keep Making History’ coalition, Claudia Sheinbaum, offered a message on the Zócalo square in front of 550,000 people, according to official sources. Her message focused on defending the legacy of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

For her part, Xóchitl Gálvez of the opposition coalition, concluded her tours and mass rallies by calling on people not to believe that victory is already given to the candidate of the ruling party.

The presidential candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano party was in several previous events that culminated in a well-known venue in Mexico City. He assured that change will come from the citizens.

Infobae: Del “me comprometo a guardar el legado de AMLO” a “no llego sola”, así fue el cierre de campaña de Claudia Sheinbaum.

El País: Xóchitl Gálvez lanza una última plegaria desde su cierre de campaña en Monterrey: “Dios está con nosotros”

Infobae: Cierre de campaña Jorge Álvarez Máynez: “El cambio lo van a hacer ustedes”, asegura desde CDMX

3. Political aggressions in Mexico rise 150% compared to past electoral process

Political aggressions rose by 150.5% in Mexico to a total of 749 victims in this electoral process compared to the last mid-term elections in 2021, according to a consultancy specializing in electoral intelligence.

On the other hand, The New York Times and The Washington Post published reports on the growth of organized crime in Mexico, which seeks to take over the governments of small towns in order to carry out their criminal activities.

Forbes: Agresiones políticas en México suben 150% frente a proceso electoral pasado.

Proceso: The New York Times y The Washington Post exhiben la violencia electoral que vive México de cara al 2 de junio

4. Insecurity will cost $35 billion in nearshoring investment to Mexico: Coparmex

Crimes such as extortion must be dealt by the authorities, because otherwise Mexico could lose the opportunity to attract 35 billion dollars due to the phenomenon of the relocation of companies, said the president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Republic (Coparmex) José Medina Mora.

“During the 65 months of the current government, the number of investigation files related to extortion has grown 45.3%, compared to the previous six-year term, and the most serious aspect of this issue is that it has a black figure of 96%, that is, only 4 out of every 100 extortions are reported,” he added.

Milenio: Inseguridad costará 35 mil mdd en inversión por nearshoring a México: Coparmex.

5. Central bank cuts interest rate, maintains 3% inflation target 

At its latest meeting, the Governing Board of the Bank of Mexico voted to reduce the interest rate by 0.25 points to 11%. However, it emphasized a restrictive monetary stance and constant monitoring over inflationary movements. This marks the first rate cut after a period of 15 rate hikes in 21 months. Through a statement, the institution announced that it will continue working to achieve the inflation target of 3%, which is expected to be reached by the last quarter of 2024.

El Economista: Banxico recorta la tasa por primera vez en tres años.